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When paying your invoice from us, you can pay with Visa, Master Card.   You can also PAY by email money transfer. 

Please note that our TERMS are Payable upon receipt for all invoices



Simply click on the link "PAY THIS INVOICE NOW", you will notice a "0" in the payment window - simply type in the $$$ amount from your invoice, fill out the information on the right, then hit submit  -  Presto!




Our invoices are sent via email with the "SENDER" as "OH BOY SERVICES" - please check your junk mail folder if you do not see it in your inbox -- a reply notice shows up to inform you your invoice has been sent (paid).


Our terms are "UPON RECEIPT" for all our invoices, as the reality is that 'credit' is given each month for all orders placed.  So, we offer 1 to 4 weeks of "credit" before we invoice our clients.  In return, when we send out our end of month invoices, we expect that payment is made A.S.A.P. (up to 3 days from the invoice date).


The Storage Fee is an annual fee that is invoiced in December for the following year.  A Pro-Rated Fee is calculated for any new subscribers who sign on during the year.  This invoice is sent out upon signing up. 


For every Open House order requested, invoices are emailed twice each month detailing each open house cost. 



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